[BPI-R2] How to build an Ubuntu/Debian SD image from scratch

Found my mistake :x:

I removed /lib to replace it with the BPI-ROOT/lib and lost everything inside.

Booted fine. Now I will do the real work of getting all the services to work, groups, logins etc.

Thanks so much for your support. Here is the Boot log

Login Service is failing to start. Is this stopping me from loging in ? Like when I enter the correct login and password it returns with Authentication Failure.

Have you set password for root in chroot? If yes you should be able to login as root and look for login-service error

Yes tried passwordless, tried with password still authentication failure is the response. Also i see that login service is failing during initialization.

Discussing this with the arch and manjaro team. Should be a mistake from my end maybe but I see that there are other users reported the same for bpi device on archlinuxarm forum.

Have you tried this? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=192053

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I will try this and report it back.

Nice read and some things got a lot more clear to me. While I can burn (for my M64) the boot image over the existing image using

 $ sudo gunzip -c ./SD/bpi-m64/100MB/BPI-M64-720P-linux4.4-8k.img | sudo dd of=/dev/sdc bs=1024 seek=8

I however wonder how to first perform a backup of that SD card section which I assume would look a bit like

 $ sudo dd if=/dev/sdc bs=1024 skip=8 of=./BOOTLOADER-backup.img

using skip instead of seek to affect the input stream. However I wouldn’t know how many bytes I actually have to copy…

Uhh… So,how to create openwrt SD image for bpi-r64,please help me, thx!

this thread is for debian/ubuntu and r2…please open separate thread,

as first information r64 is afaik supported with 4.19 only using phy-driver (don’t know if it is merged yet), dsa-driver is available for 5.4 first and imho openwrt uses only 4.14 and 4.19

i don’t know if there is a way in openwrt to build image for r64…i guess there are some patches needed to get basic support…wifi is maybe merged, but bluetooth i guess not

thx, i will try that