I’m unable to connect to the debug UART (to diagnose a boot problem). I have tried two different FTDI adapters, three Prolifics, and one CP210x. I’ve tried them all on a Windows desktop and a couple of them on a MacBook. Every time that I connect, I get this type of garbage:
I’m starting with 115200/8N1 and no flow control, but I’ve also experimented with other speeds, bit counts, etc. If I setup the USB UART with a loopback, everything looks good. I’ve tried putty, Tera Term, and zterm with the same effect.
Yes, I’m using the debug UART port, not the GPIO. I’ve tried a bunch of different cables and the pins appear to be well soldered. I’ve managed to fix my original problem in other ways, so I’m putting the UART problem off for another day. Thank you for your help.
I had same issue with debug UART port.
I solved it by changing the speed to 921600 bauds.
It is 8 x 115200.
It seems that there is an issue with the UART clock.
Now I can use debug UART port with putty with no problem.
It was the preinstalled Android system.
I’ve just bought and installed my Banana PI R2.
My goal is now to change the system, and install something else.
Yes I can try your image if you provide to me a link.
I tried everything as shown in the picture. I also checked the pin map to make sure there were no problems.
The image source is as follows.
→ armsom-sige5-debian-12-xfce4-arm64-20240925
And although it is broken, it seems to only have a read function and not a write function.