I have searched a lot through forums, and Internet and was unable to find documentation on how BPI-R2 is booting.
This info is needed for FreeBSD U-Boot patches.
It seems like loaders are in binary form, so there is no way to boot custom U-Boot, that will load FreeBSD ubldr.
If there is already some patchwork for U-Boot for BPI-R2 on FreeBSD, then could, please, someone provide it here?
Thank you.
So, BPI-R2-HEAD1-512b.img, BPI-R2-HEAD440-0k.img, and preloader_iotg7623Np1_emmc.bin must be the same to make it possible to boot motherboard initially?
According to BPI-R2-bsp/scripts/dd_download.sh nothing changes there between different image versions.
like mentioned here bpi-copy seems to copy the full sd-card to emmc (also partition table,preloader+u-boot) so the preloader must be the same or am i missing anything?
Please run command bpi-bootsel BPI-R2-EMMC-boot0-DDR1600-0k-0905.img.gz /dev/mmcblk1boot0. Pleasee note that this preloader is programmed to /dev/mmcblk1boot0 partition.
And the /dev/mmcblk1(emmc user area) is to store ubuntu image which is the same as SD card.