I would interested in a sample as well. I work for my ISP as an equipment technician. I test equipment constantly. I would like to take the sample and use it to configure and test other routers. My current test system for this uses 4 raspberry pi’s(My bosses boss thought they had gigabit ports) which doesn’t quite push the limits of our current routers. I added some usb gigabit adapters to get more from it but still not stress testing by any means. We are beginning deployment of a new router. While I have relaxed period on testing the routers, I am looking to find a new testing system.
How I plan to utilize the sample to test:
I would setup DHCP through the wan port and create network namespaces on each the lan interfaces. Run ssh scripts for configuration and iperf tests across the wan interface to the wan interface of our new router. The iperf traffic will continue through the router being tested to the sample lan interfaces. Ideally I will get my hands on a mPCIe wireless 802.11ac card to also be able to test the wireless.
Another possible use is to test our cable modems. My company has started exploring gigabit cable modems.
We also have fiber and telephone services. The telephone services may be a possible chance to set it up with bpx(probably use on of the raspberry pi’s for this and control it using this board) and/or possibly automate phone tests(really tired of calling myself… seriously I call myself like a hundred times a day) and ethernet port tests of our MTAs and ONTs. Although we also do television as well, I don’t think this quite fits the bill for testing that sort of thing.
As I am asking for the sample for myself, if I prove its value after setting it up, my company would end up buying at least one(obviously I would keep this sample for myself[mine mine mine]). I would also being interested in any other samples you might interested giving of course but I am not sure how I might make us on them until they were offered. Obviously I will find ways to at least make use of it/kill it with stress }:). Thank you for taking the time read my sample request.
Realy nice hardware, but one more feature would be really useful.
Now, GPON is more and more popular, also ONT are available as SFP module.
Maybe R2 could be eqipped with SFP cage?
To make this, one of RGMII interface should me moved from MT7530 switch to
separate PHY, like AR8031, which support copper and fiber (by SGMII/SerDes).
I was considering also miniPCIe card (own project) of network interface to SFP
based on Intel i210-IS/AS, but it seems that there would be mechanical conflict with SATA etc
connectors - they would be in way of SFP module.
And also as in USB converter I suppose that HNAT would be unusable in those scenario.
This should be big change for us if we support SFP on R2, so our team don’t have plan to do this on standard R2 board, sorry for this. As we said before, we can use an usb-to-SFP mode
We don’t validate the openswitch on bpi-r2, but I think it’s easy to run it.
The built-in storage is 8GB EMMC.
There are two onboard SATA interfaces, the system can boot from SATA hard driver, (please note that both preloader and uboot must be in EMMC or SD card).