According to the eMMC spec, there are several hw partitions that can’t be removed (but some can be resized).
The fixed hw partitions are:
Boot 1 -> shown in Linux as mmcblkXboot0
Boot 2 -> shown in Linux as mmcblkXboot1
RPMB -> shown in Linux as mmcblkXrpmb
The two boot partition can be resized.
You can use
mmc bootpart-resize
to resize them.
There are also 4 optional configurable hw partitions:
General purpose 1 to 4 -> shown in Linux as mmcblkXgpY
These four partitions are not enabled by default.
You can use
mmc hwpartition
to enable and configure them.
All the partitions listed above are addressing from 0.
All the spaces left is the User data partition, which shown in Linux as mmcblkX.
And mmcblkXpY is the software partition created partition table which usually stored at the beginning of the user data partition (MBR or GPT).
As for the emmc partconf command, you should know the PARTITION_CONFIG field of the EXT_CSD register first.
| Bit 7 | Bit 6 | Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | Bit 2 | Bit 1| Bit 0 |
BOOT_ACK means whether to send ACK during boot.
BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE determines which partition to access during boot.
The following values are valid:
0 - Disabled
1 - Boot 1
2 - Boot 2
3 to 6 - Reserved
7 - User data
PARTITION_ACCESS determines which partition to access now:
0 - User data
1 - Boot 1
2 - Boot 2
3 - RPMB
4 to 7 - General purpose 1 to 4
So, back to your question:
emmc pconf 0x48 in the old u-boot means BOOT_ACK = 1, BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE = 1, PARTITION_ACCESS = 0, which is the same as mmc partconf 0 1 1 0 in the new u-boot.
mmc partconf 0 1 1 0
is really the right way in the new u-boot.
The boot partitions always exist no matter what value you set using emmc pconf/mmc partconf.
Please note that mmc partconf 0 will display incorrect value (the PARTITION_ACCESS field) if you use mmc dev 0 1 to switch partition.
P.S. You can set BOOT_PARTITION_ENABLE = 2 if you want to burn preloader into Boot 2.