Use gitbook to write BPI-M3 documents. hope everyone support us

we try to use gitbook to write documents for BPI-M3. we will keep this work. hope everyone can join us.

As long as you (SinoVoip Foxconn) do not support the community with new, working, images, why should they support you?

example: did you fix anything mentioned in this thread ? NO no no. There is still old bad images on your download page.

You are giving lousy support, why should we support you ? You do not even write down a proper Quick-Start for new users, nothing for months !! Why, that you make money ? With lousy hardware design ?

Odroid, Olimex and LeMaker do it much better than you.



For the moment I think it is your turn to deliver… but feel free to use and adapt my install-armbian-to-emmc tutorial. I’d appreciate if you’d treat it like it was under a CC BY-SA license.

Also, the gitbook repository would be a perfect place to publish the construction files of the case :wink:

very thank you. we will keep update document on gitbook and our wiki .

and we alos create a gitbook books with all accessories.

we just tell user ,we will use gitbook to write documents. for it is easy to use .

we have do many work on our product , when we ready, will update soon. we can not update a new image again and again . just give us some time.

hope you can support us.

for open source project . you think we can make money now ??? if you do a open source project by youself, you can understand .

we know , you have do many useful work , and help us more. thank you anyway.

we will update all bpi accessories document on this book .

@BPI_Justin @noralee

What !?! You have 9 lousy images for M3 - for god sake NINE 9 !?!

We (the customers) never never asked for NINE (9). Never, you understand? ? Never.

Three (3) would be enough for the begin 1 x Android (it is from 24/11/2015) 1 x DEBIAN (best in class for server) 1 x Ubuntu Mate (easy, lightweight desktop)

And a monthly release of your three (3) let’s called it “core images” - is this so much work? Really, then please explain what makes it so difficult, please explain this to your customers.

3 is not a lot !?!

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Hi @BPI_Justin @noralee

Before the Chinese New Year (4 of February) will you deliver an update on these images for your customers, so they can have fun and test it while you enjoy your vacation?

Three (3) would be enough for the begin 1 x Android (it is from 24/11/2015) 1 x DEBIAN (headless, best in class for server) 1 x Ubuntu Mate (easy, lightweight desktop)

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Dear Tido,

If you would like us to release 3 major images with better performance, we need LT to process them! Sorry our company has 3-day meetings this week, then CNY holiday, we only remain 2 working days during 2/1~2/2.

Pls find M3 GPU improvement and we’ll do our best to release 3 images then.

M3 GPU demo:


Hi noralee,

we need LT to process them!

LT ? I don’t understand, can you explain me ?

Pls find M3 GPU improvement and we’ll do our best to release 3 images then.

I don’t understand, sinovoip said :

we have success fixed GPU issue on Linux , have running success, code have update to github.

Maybe it’s a stupid question but I don’t understand.

Thanks in advance to those who can enlighten me!

Dear Tris,

LT = Lead Time


Dear noralee,

thank you very much for this part of answer.

If somebody can explain to me the rest, it’s cool.


If you use the Desktop environment (GUI) this is interesting for you.

  • but I don’t know how to add this +

If you also want to play movies, this does not help - it does not HW-Video-Decoding.

If you read from this Thread further

Dear Tido,

We just released BPI M3 ubuntu new image as below:

We’ll continue to improve Android, Debian and ubuntu images step by step.


Dear Tris,

sinovoip: We have success fixed GPU issue on Linux , have running success, code have update to github.

Above meaning about we got GPU code and new patch from Allwinner, thus BPI M3 can run GPU in success, its code is released on github.


Hi @projectbananapi

Can you update the link on the download-site to this fresh Ubuntu Mate ? So that others can easily find it.

Yes. I will be doing it. And its updated.

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