When we (linux-sunxi community) tried to test DRAM reliability and cpufreq limits of BPi M2+ we had to realize that BPi M2+ (and the only other H3 board not using low power DDR3L DRAM like all H3 Orange Pis but instead DDR3: Nano Pi M1) overheats like crazy: http://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/1322-testers-wanted-testing-dram-reliability-on-bpi-m2-and-nanopi-m1/page-2#entry10363
Since most if not all testers own hardware revision v1.0 boards we would like to ask other M2+ users (or even the vendor – LOL!) whether they can contribute to testing: Just read on page 1 of the aforementioned thread how to proceed: It’s pretty easy since we prepared a test OS image based on Armbian. All that’s needed is burning/booting this image, then installing RPi-Monitor in a single step and then executing lima-memtester (and/or cpuburn-a7 as per the thread) and post your results.
Thx in advance!