Sometimes trouble booting from EMMC

Hi, I have trouble with booting from EMMC.

Sometimes it starts well, but sometimes not.

I have to remove power suply more than 3 times before BPI will boot correctly.

Also when I reboot it sometimes stuck immediately after it shows (white or cyan color).

Any idea? Thanks!

Is this matching your issue: ?

How can I get u-boot log?

with debug-uart…need a serial2usb cable connected to debug-pins

I have made one by Arduino board and now all works fine. Starange! I will try put it together into the box again. And we will see.

Here is my boot log:

Also in the box!

La La La, I’m probably crazy! :frowning:

I’ll try to monitor it, but it looks stable now. :slight_smile:

be careful…arduino is 5v level…banana pi is 3v3

Thank you very much!