Error code 10 in usb mp-tool

I’m trying to get my new W2 to boot, with little luck so far. I can get it to load kernel from both sd or emmc, and I’ve managed to update the emmc u-boot to the newest (I think, I used this link: ) one. But I am not able to flash the spi with usb mp tool. I got a sd-card with boot-loader, one fat 250mb partition and one 7 gig ext 4 partition in the w2 and hold the usb button while powering on. Then I insert the usb-c cable (bought new today, because I suspected the cable) and the tool detects a board with mac address all FF:FF and a - for serial number. I open 2018-09-07-lk-spirom-bpi-w2-for-usb-mptool.img and press green the button for my board. Button turns red with circle and arrows and stay on 0% for about 20-40 seconds, then the icon window turns red with white number 10. Please am I doing something wrong, or is my board defective?

Not sure if related but I did it without power via barrel socket (board boots with usb-c powering it).

Sw4 on 0, no SD card plugged, USB key pressed. Then plugged usb-c causing board to boot.

Make sure your device manager shows that generic USB device as in guide (possibly reinstall drivers)

For anyone else encountering this: Spi-flash worked when switching to a Win7 PC as opposed to latest Win 10 version.