[BPI-R64] uboot env-location


what is the best offset for env-storage in uboot (saveenv) for bpi-r64?

i have this offset defined in my build.sh, but i don’t know where i got it

ENV_START=1280 #ENV_OFFSET = 0x140000

with my latest additions to r64 uboot, i came over this offset and so uboot might be override this offset (because binary is too big)

Have a seprate partiton to store uboot environment.

for example:

Preloader, atf, uboot, uboot_env, wifi_rf, linux, rootfs.

If uboot_env and uboot in the same partition, uboot will be damaged if power off while updating uboot parameters.

Uboot is not in any partition…only at offset 768k, i know saveenv may overwrite uboot so i want to know if there is any offset defined for saveenv.

In upstream uboot i found no offset, but current size exceeds space to my current offset i defined. First partition (bpi-boot) starts at 2M

For r2 there was a “user area” at 1mb offset (uboot at 320k) , on r2 first partition starts at 100M…on r64 there is not that much space,but maybe 2M-128k is a good choice for env?

I found where i got this offset…it was old 2014-04 uboot

Any idea whats a better offset? Maybe the start of first partition (2M) - estimated size of uboot-env (8k) maybe a bit more (e.g.16k) or like i wrote above 128k (=0x1E0000)