BPI-M3 raspbian jessie update to stretch?

I would like to ask, does software department of Bpi plans to publish raspbian stretch update for raspbian-jessie-bpi-m3.img from 2016-07-13?

kind regards

Hi andreja83

This should help:

Install the 2016-07-13-raspbian-jessie-bpi-m3.img Jessie image from here:

Then follow the instructions here to update to the latest Stretch build

There’s one part of the instruction that I did differently and that was to use a different repo instead of the ones listed in the instructions

I didn’t use the sources as listed in the instruction as follows:

deb http : //httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch main

deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch-updates main

deb http://security.debian.org stretch / updates main

Instead, I directly edited /etc/apt/sources.list to use only this source:

deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ stretch main contrib non-free rpi

So far, after having successfully compiled opencv 3.4 with Python bindings from source with this Debian Stretch build on the M3, this is working out well for me

Challenges faced so far are:

  • no audio: the audio device seems to be “disabled”, but this was the same as on the Jessie build. Currently looking for a solution to this which, to be honest, I’ve not put much effort into as of now :slight_smile:

  • no wifi: having tried with the native antenna and also with an external antenna, no luck with this, but this was the same as on the original Jessie image build and every other OS image build I’ve tried I should add ;). Currently looking for a solution to this but, again, I’ve not tried too hard as of now :slight_smile:


Can we please have a source release for Debian so we can build our own distros.

There has not been a release since this one and there are security holes and updates that are required for a server to be put online.