Raspberry Pi GPIO not working


I have been pulling my hair out over the past week. On 04MAY2017 we had a nasty storm in the area that caused power outages due to high winds, no lightening. Later that evening I was alerted that the Raspberry Pi II controller was no longer working. After diagnostics I found that the updates database was corrupt and I also think I seen rex updates in this. I was able to clean the database and install updates but I did not see the rex updates again. Looking at rex logs, the only fault I found was (rpidrv - unable to get rpi version, assuming v1). I figured something was corrupted on SD card so I wiped media clean and installed freshly downloaded image of Rasp, Jess Lite. After install updates and rex core installation I am still having same issues, no GPIO access.Felt like at this point I lost GPIO controller, so I fired up beta Pi III unit, with fresh install of same image, updates, and rex-core install. same results completely different Raspberry Pi unit that has been powered down since ??FEB2017.Did an update kill rpidrv? or am I just completely missing something? I have not seen anyone else post any of the same issues, so I think I am just missing something. I have run my code and demo advanced pool code with same results. The code that was running was running flawless since about ??DEC2016 until now.Any help or advice will be much appreciated.

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.



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