I want to build BPI-M2M myself

Hello all,

i want to build and use the BPI-M2M myself. so i built it by referring to the following link but it doesn’t work. http://wiki.banana-pi.org/Getting_Started_with_M2M#Prepare_to_develop

here is the image i used. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14LH4NGAyfeCXhnKlzc75-K6p2gmO5RrM/view

I install this image on the SD Card and checked that it worked.

$ git clone https://github.com/BPI-SINOVOIP/BPI-M2M-bsp.git
$ cd BPI-M2M-bsp
$ ./build.sh
$ 1

$ cd SD/bpi-m2m
$ bpi-update -c bpi-m2m.conf -d /dev/sdd (/dev/sdd is my SD Card device is installed ubuntu image)

$ cd 100MB
$ bpi-bootsel BPI-M2M-LCD7-8k.img.gz /dev/sdd1 (/dev/sdd1 is BPI-BOOT partition)

everything was updated successfully. but it doesn’t work with Logo(Penguin)

i wonder if it’s the way i tried. what sholud i do if it is wrong?

Thank you.