BPI R2 USB or Else Camera Sugession

Okay Thanks. I wil try.

should I copy the files from another pc to SD card? Because I don’t see content of boot in BPI-R2

You compile it on the r2? you have to mount boot (mmcblk0p1) to use it

yes. I am compiling on r2. Becase, I have taken many error with cross compile.Isn’t it work compiled kernel with this way?

It is not good practice to have a compiler on a server/router…but for testing it’s ok.

Which host system have you used for crosscompile? Ubuntu 14.4/16.4 with the following packages should compile 4.4/4.14 well with build-scripts shipped

sudo apt-get install git make gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf u-boot-tools

I am using kali rolling. these packages are installed on my kali. but some header files under linux folder was not found while cross compile.

Compling uboot error: linux/compiler-gcc7.h: No such file or directory (rpi-r2) ?

Anyway,then you should look to make real backup…if you have a problem with own kernel that bpi won’t boot and compile only on it,you may encouter problems got out of this without backup

the kernel building has been complited successfully but Any modules or kernel image didn’t exist in /SD/BPI-BOOT and /SD/BPI-ROOT directory after building kernel on R2. I think I should look a way for building cross compile. compilig output messages are following;

 INSTALL output/lib/firmware/mts_cdma.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/edgeport/boot.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/edgeport/boot2.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/edgeport/down.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/edgeport/down2.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/mts_edge.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/edgeport/down3.bin
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/whiteheat_loader.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/whiteheat.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/keyspan_pda/keyspan_pda.fw
  INSTALL output/lib/firmware/keyspan_pda/xircom_pgs.fw
  DEPMOD  4.4.70-BPI-R2-Kernel
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/BPI-R2-bsp-master/linux-mt'

 Build success!

any idea about these messages?

Have you called option 6 in build.sh?

yep i have called option 6 first.

Hi. Thanks for helps. I compiled the kernel gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf-6. It compiled succesfully. gcc-7 gives errors. Also, I have successfully activated USB CAM,

First 3 (compile) then 6 (prepare for SD)

What does usb-cam do with spidev? Spidev is spi-bus-user-driver…

I will use opencv for image processing with usb cam. according to image processing I will control a embedded system with spi. Also I need ethernet router. I am using R2 for this.

have you any idea?