BPI-M2+ Raspbian 9 Screen error

I just switched from an rpi3, because of the performance. I found this Raspbian (BananaPi BPI-M2P(H3) new demo images release with kernel 4.4 2018-11-09). When i inserted the sd card into my bpi and plugged it in, my screen was black and I got this message(from the monitor) “Out of range 67.6 kHz / 60 Hz”. My monitor is 1366x768p60. It’s a VGA monitor so I use an adapter to transform it to HDMI. I tried tinkering with uenv.txt changing the resolution, but nothing changed.

Try https://www.armbian.com/banana-pi-m2-plus/ … it should work better, but problems with HDMI 2VGA are known. Some works fine, some don’t.

This error occurred in my Windows device due to some of the error codes. But as soon as I fix Error Code 0X80071A90 in my Windows laptop, it got solved.

Yes, this is happening because of your antivirus didn’t work properly, I also face the same error after that I simply visit McAfee Support Number to know the proper solution to solve out the issue properly.