BPI-M2-Berry Interface with RPi-LCD7(C) Issue

Hi, I am trying to interface RPi-LCD7 © with BPI-M2 Berry via HDMI. LCD details here: http://mechasolution.com/shop/goods/goods_view.php?goodsno=541411&category=

I can see only backlight but no display. Please help.

I tried this with these OS images from here (http://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-M2_Berry#Image_Release)

  1. 2017-05-25-raspbian-jessie-preview3…
  2. 2018-05-24-raspbian-jessie-preview…
  3. 2019-05-13-raspbian-jessie-preview…
  4. 2019-05-15-android6_bpi-m2u…

but same result, no display on LCD 7 (1024x600). Please help! Thanks.